GE Arcam EBM Spectra H 3D Printer

GE Arcam EBM Spectra H 3D Printer
* High-heat capability (exceeding 1,000 °C) enables users to incorporate new alloys into production to expand their offerings, including high-temperature, crack-prone materials.
* The machine’s enhanced capacity is opening up new opportunities to produce high-integrity parts larger and faster
* E-beam electron fusion printer (like freemelt)
* Build volume: 250 x 430 mm (Ø/H)
* Electron beam power: 6kW
* Typical build atmosphere: 4 x 10-3mbar (partial pressure of He)
* Materials offered include: TiAl, Nickel Alloy 718, Highly Alloyed Tool Steel, Ti6Al4V Grade 5, and more